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>>> Hier klicken: SPITZEN-Kongress: CORONA & Vitamin D <<<
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heute melde ich mich mit meinem schon angekündigten, neuartigen und hochkarätigen Event
im "DAVINCI" – Format:
Access to
International and
1. Internationaler Kongress - über „Vitamin D und Covid -19“
- Die Vorträge von rund 20 internationalen Referenten
- stehen für Experten und Laien ab Anfang November 14 Tage lang weltweit im Internet zur Verfügung.
- Dies alles für einen minimalen Ticketpreis von 50 €,
- der für deutschsprachige Teilnehmer auf 20 € reduziert wird - (Rabatt-Code s.o.)
- als Ausgleich für mögliche Probleme mit der englischen Konferenzsprache.
- Nutz‘ dieses tolle Angebot - nicht nur für dich selbst,
- sondern gib es auch an möglichst viele Freunde und Bekannte weiter,
- denn dieser Vorzugs-Link ist nicht limitiert, um das Thema unter die Leute zu bringen!
- Das Thema ist hochaktuell: Vitamin D und Covid 19 –
- nicht nur in Bezug auf die speziellen Bezüge von Vitamin D und Immunsystem (1. Sitzung),
- sondern auch in Bezug auf Prävention und Therapie durch orthomolekulare Maßnahmen (2. Sitzung)
- und die gerade aktuell entstehende Problematik von „Long Covid“ sowie Nebenwirkungen nach der Impfung und während der Schwangerschaft - mit und ohne Impfung (3. Sitzung).
- Weitere Einzelheiten findest du in den beiden Dokumenten im Anhang.
Ich wünsche Euch viel Vergnügen und neue Erkenntnisse und verspreche, falls dieser Pilot klappt, noch weitere DAVINCI-Events zu veranstalten.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jörg Spitz
Hier ist das Kongress-Programm in englischer Sprache:
“D A V I N C I”
International online conference on Covid-19 and Vitamin D
Optimizing Immunologic Functions
that help to reduce Risk for Infection,
Morbidity and Mortality
by Vitamins D, C
& Integrative Orthomolecular Medicine Measures.
Copyright 2021 by Optimum Health Research (OHR)
OHR is a project of the charitable foundation DSGIP,
supported by Gesund4You GmbH, Germany
Come in and join: overcoming the biggest health challenge of our century: 6. – 21. November 2021
- Meet a community of people who are interested in real health for everybody, which has its roots in the (r)evolutionary design of the human species by nature.
- This new type of conference arises from the need to make scientific information available to the society with exceptional and special properties:
- quick,
- unfiltered
- inexpensive,
- experts
- and laypeople
- all together
- without limitations in the number of participants.
- The word "DAVINCI" is not only a reminder of the brilliant Italian scientist and inventor, ...
- ...but it also represents the abbreviation of the motto of this new type of event:
- “Direct Access to Virtual International and National Conference information” (DAVINCI).
- This innovative event will collect and distribute the latest scientific information about vitamin D & Co worldwide.
- The goal is to overcome the Covid-19 Pandemic - and more!
- About 20 keynote speakers and Prof. Michael Holick as president will give an "Update 2021" of the situation and invite everybody to participate
- - some as presenters of their own research results and others just as participants to listen and collect new information -
- ... broadcasted all over the world.
- All this hot information will be available by the internet for as long as two weeks, including two weekends - 24 hours/day and 7 days/week without interruption.
- The ticket fee will be as small as € 50 for the access to the conference...
- ... and another 20 € for an extensive upsell “Conference Package”
- (find more details later in the paragraph “Financial Aspects”).
Online Program 6. – 21. November 2021
(Status October 16, 2021, earlier information is no longer valid) President: M. Holick, USA;
Organizing committee: J. Spitz, Germany and R. Cheng, USA; powered by Optimum-Health-Research
Optimizing Immunologic Functions that Help Reduce Risk for Infection, Morbidity and Mortality by Vitamins D, C & Integrative Orthomolecular Medicine Measures.
- 19 keynote speakers and Prof. Michael Holick as president will give an “Update 2021” of the Covid-19 situation and invite everybody to participate to listen and collect latest information – broadcasted all over the world.
- We are convinced, that the growing evidence of the great influence of vitamin D on our immune system combined with the worldwide awareness of the pandemic of viral infections offer a unique chance to put vitamin D in the correct light it deserves – as well in the medical field as well in the public opinion – especially, if accompanied by Integrative Orthomolecular Medicine Measures.
Panel I: Focus on Immunologic functions of Vitamin D
Opening Lecture
Michael F. Holick: PhD, M. D.
Vitamin D and COVID 19 Pandemic – a historical situation dedicating the third decade of the 21. century to Vitamin D and sunlight.
Hans-Konrad Biesalski: Prof. Dr. med.
Nutrition as co-factor of Vitamin D for a strong immune system.
Alessio Fasano: M. D. Microbiome and Immune system
William B. Grant: PhD
Epidemiology of Vitamin D deficiency and Covid-19
Martin Hewison: PhD
Physiology of our immune system with special regard to Vitamin D
Karsten Krüger: Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Physical activity stimulates the immune system over the lifespan
Winfried März: Univ. Prof. Dr. med.
Role of Vitamin D in Non-Communicable Diseases (Diabetes Type 2 i.e.) as risk factors in the course of Covid-19 infection
Panel II: Looking over the rim: Focus on Vitamin C and other complementary measures of Orthomolecular Medicine in the context of Covid-19
Ilyes Baghli: MD
High dose Vit D in Covid-19 and other diseases, with support from the Algerian government
Greg Beattie:
Vaccine, Hype of Hope? The vaccine effort in historical perspective.
Richard Cheng: PhD, MD
Integrative Antioxidant Therapy in the Treatment of Severe Covid-19
Michael J. Gonzalez: BS, MS, MHSN, DSc, NMD, PhD, DNS, CNS, FANMA, FACN
Individual personalized prevention of Sars-Cov-2, with Diet and Supplements with Emphasis in Ascorbic Acid
Thomas Levy: MD, JD
Rapid Virus and Gut Recovery with Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization
W. Todd Penberthy: PhD
Niacin History & Use in Medicine
Andrew W. Saul: PhD
Therapeutics with the B-Vitamins and Vitamin E: An Historical Perspective
Atsuo Yanagisawa: PhD, M. D., FACC
Clinical application of IV Nutritional Therapy
Panel III: The Prevention and Management of Long Covid and the Side Effects of Covid-19 Vaccines
Andrews Seth Ayettey: Rev. Prof. Title to be announced
Charles Bens: PhD
Treating Long Covid Syndrome
Richard Cheng: PhD, MD
Integrative Orthomolecular Protocols for the Prevention and Treatment of Covid-19, Long Covid and Covid Vaccine Injuries
Gottfried Glöckner:
Experience in the cultivation and consumption of Bt – maize
Thomas Levy: MD, JD
Resolving Long-Haul COVID and Vaccine Toxicity: Nailing the Spike Protein
W. Todd Penberthy: PhD Niacin/NAD & COVID-19
Closing Lecture
Jörg Spitz: Prof. Dr. med.
Plan B – Overcoming communicable and non-communicable diseases by a new health culture.
Time schedule for the preparation of the conference
Time for Conference Event: 6. – 21. November 2021
For two weeks after the conference:
there will be an online evaluation of the presentations by the participants to select outstanding papers.
End of November 2021:
online discussion of the keynote speakers of each panel with participants and authors of outstanding papers (access included in tickets).
End of December:
based on the discussed material a report “Update 2021: Vitamin D, C and integrative OM measures to overcome Acute Respiratory Tract Infections (ARTI) like Covid-19” will be published.
Financial aspects of DAVINCI Conference (participants):
Ticket fee: 50 € (Eintrittskarte zu allen Online Veranstaltungen)
To allow as much interested people as possible to attend, the conference will be organized online.
So, there will be no costs for travelling and hotels nor limited seats for experts and lay people.
The basic tickets will be available for € 50.-only.
For those participants, who present a paper, the participation will be free of charge.
The ticket fee covers:
1. access to the online conference with all presentations for two weeks,
2. the participation in the online evaluation of the speakers and
3. access to the different online discussions after the conference.
Additional Conference package: 20 € (permanenter Video-Zugang und PDF-Material)
(Dieses Paket gibt es nicht getrennt von der Eintrittskarte: Ticket erfoderlich!)
To further improve the value of the tickets, a “Conference Package” is offered for another 20.-€, which includes in addition to the three items of the ticket:
4. permanent access to original presentations and keynote lectures (videos);
5. PDF folder with all the foils of all presentations
6. PDF Folder with all abstracts and citations of literature and
7. PDF folder with the final reports of the conference, provided by the keynote lecturers.
The conference package (price 40 + 30 = 70 €) can be ordered right away to participate in the conference with all items
#1 – #7 or also at any time after the conference as an upsell for 20 €.-
Dr. med. Raimund von Helden, Verbraucherberatung VitaminDelta, 57368 Lennestadt schreibt:
"Viele von uns haben in der Corona-Zeit ein dauerhaft mulmiges Gefühl bekommen. Warum?"
"Die Jahre 2020 und 2021 sind ohne Höhepunkte vergangen, es gab keine Feste, keine Zusammenkünfte, viele wurde um ihr Leben betrogen."
"Wir wünschen uns das Zusammentreffen mit inspirierenden Menschen, die eine Zäsur in unserem Leben setzen und uns in unserer eigenen Entwicklung beflügeln. Unsere fachliche und sprachliche Kompetenz soll nicht noch weiter verkümmern. Ich wünsche mir den Besuch einer Universität von internationalem Rang, die frei und umfassend eine humane Forschung und Lehre vorantreibt; und dabei ganz ohne kommerzielle Hintergedanken ist."
"Wann und wo kann ich Teil einer solchen Gemeinschaft werden, die mich jetzt fordert mein Leben wieder belebt? Unser Freund Professor Jörg Spitz hat das alles jetzt für minimale 40 € möglich gemacht! "
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1) Kopieren Sie sich unseren Leser-Rabatt-Code im Wert von 30 €:
2) Jetzt die Sprachkompetenz ENGLISCH verbessern:
>>> Hier klicken: SPITZEN-Kongress: CORONA & Vitamin D <<<