300 EURO: Vitamin-D-Kongress Krefeld 2014

Zum 5. Mal trafen sich Wissenschaftler aus der ganzen Welt in Krefeld, NRW.

Die große Zahl von Vorträgen an 2 Tagen beweist vor allem eines:

Es gibt viele renommierte Wissenschaftler, die im Vitamin-D-Mechanismus der genetischen Zellregulation 

für einen wichtigen Ansatzpunkt zur Krebsabwehr halten.

Das Kongress-Thema ist der Einsatz von Vitamin D gegen Krebs:

"Vitamin D and Analogs in Cancer Prevention and Therapy"

(genau übersetzt: Vitamin D und Nachbildungen zur Krebsvorbeugung und -Therapie)

(Kongress-Sprache: Englisch)


Friday May 2 - Saturday May 3, 2014


Friday, 8.00 am - 6.55 pm / Saturday, 8.00 - 2.30 pm

Wissenschaftliche Leitung

  • Prof. Carsten Carlberg, PhD
    University of Eastern Finland
    Kuopio Campus P.O. Box 1627 FI-70211 KUOPIO
  • Prof. Dr. med. Michael Friedrich
    Helios Klinikum Krefeld
    Klinik für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe
    Lutherplatz 40
    47805 Krefeld
  • Michael F. Holick
    Boston USA
  • Prof. Dr. med. Jörg Reichrath
    Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes (UDS)
    Kirrberger Straße 100
    66421 Homburg/Saar
  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Vogt
    Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes (UDS)
    Kirrberger Straße 100
    66421 Homburg/Saar

Registration fees

May 02-03, 2014

Conference ticket (2 days, incl. Satellitensymposium), per person: 300 Euro*

Reduced price for students, per person: 100 Euro*

Conference ticket - Saturday afternoon: 50 Euro*
(Satellitensymposium only)

Evening reception May 02, 2014

30,00 Euro*

The ticket includes food and beverage.
Dresscode: business casual

* 19% VAT incl.


Saturday, May 3, 2014
2.30 pm - 4.30 pm 


Den Kongress-Flyer (2 Seiten Übersicht) als PDF gibt es hier.

Das gesamte Tagungsprogramm als PDF gibt es hier.

Featured lectures

Friday, May 02, 2014

8.00 – 8.15 am Opening remarks

Welcome address by the Lord Mayor of Krefeld

Gregor Kathstede

Michael Friedrich (Krefeld, D) Jörg Reichrath (Homburg/Saar, D)

I Historic and Future Perspectives of Vitamin D

Chair: JoEllen Welsh (Rensselaer, USA) Klaus Römer (Homburg/Saar, D)

8.15 – 9.00 am
An Update on the Healthful Benefits of Vitamin D [Abstract No. 1]

Michael F. Holick (Boston, USA)

II Molecular Biology of Vitamin D: a genome-wide perspective

Chair: JoEllen Welsh (Rensselaer, USA) Klaus Römer (Homburg/Saar, D)

9.00 – 9.30 am
The impact of a harmonized genomic view on vitamin D receptor locations on understanding the actions of vitamin D [Abstract No. 2]

Carsten Carlberg, (Kuopio, FIN)

9.30 – 10.00 am
The Regulation of Gene Expression by 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 in Target Cells: New Principles and Increased Complexities [Abstract No. 3]

J. Wesley Pike (Madison, USA)

10.00 – 10.15 am
Novel insights into VDR structure-function [Abstract No. 4]

Natacha Rochel, (Illkirch, F)

10.15 – 10.45 am
Coffee break, technical exhibition and poster viewing 

III Vitamin D Compounds: Implications for Cancer

Chair: Carsten Carlberg (Kuopio, FIN) Reinhold Vieth (Toronto, CAN)

10.45 -11.15 am
The delicate balance of CYP27B1 and CYP24A1 in ensuring optimal 1,25-(OH)2D3 concentrations for human health [Abstract No. 5]

Glenville Jones (Kingston, CAN)

11.15 – 11.30 am
Development of efficient chemical syntheses of Vitamin D degradation products [Abstract No. 6]

Lars Kattner (Saarbrücken, D)

11.30 – 11.45 am
Synthesis, docking studies and biological evaluation of 19-norcalcitriol analogs with distorted intercyclic diene system [Abstract No. 7]

Katarzyna Sokolowska (Warsaw, PL)

11.45 – 00.05 pm
Pre-clinical Studies of MART-10, a Less Calcemic Vitamin D Analog, for Cancer Prevention and Treatment [Abstract No. 8]

Tai C. Chen (Boston, USA)

0.05 – 1.05 pm
Lunch break, technical exhibition and poster viewing

IV Vitamin D and UV-Radiation in Cancer Prevention (I)

Chair: Michael F. Holick (Boston, USA) Jörg Reichrath (Homburg/Saar, D)

1.05 – 1.35 pm
Vitamin D and Cancer: Evidence from Epidemiological Studies [Abstract No. 9]

William B. Grant (San Francisco, USA)

1.35 – 2.05 pm
Vitamin D & Cancer: Evidence from the ESTHER and other epidemiological studies [Abstract No. 10]

José Manuel Ordóñez-Mena (Heidelberg, D) 

2.05 – 2.25 pm
Vitamin D Status and Cancer Incidence of Hemodialysis (HD) Patients in D [Abstract No. 11]

Rolfdieter Krause (Berlin, D)

2.25 – 2.55 pm
UV-radiation and melanoma. Current concepts [Abstract No. 12]

Johan Emilian Moan (Oslo, N)

2.55 – 3.25 pm
Coffee break, technical exhibition and poster viewing

V Vitamin D and UV-Radiation in Cancer Prevention (II)

Chair: William B. Grant (San Francisco, USA) Johan Emilian Moan (Oslo, N)

3.25 – 3.55 pm
Beneficial effects of UV radiation on diseases other than cancer: an update [Abstract No.13]

Asta Juzeniene (Oslo, N)

3.55 – 4.25 pm
Vitamin D in preventive medicine [Abstract No. 14]

Winfried März (Graz, A)

4.25 – 4.55 pm
Vitamin D and Cardiovascular Disease [Abstract No.15]

Armin Zittermann (Bad Oeynhausen, D)

4.55 – 5.25 pm
Break, technical exhibition and poster viewing

VI Vitamin D Compounds in Gynecological Malignancies and in Lymphoma

Chair: Michael Friedrich (Krefeld, D) Frank R. De Grujil (Leiden, NL)

5.25 – 5.55 pm
Vitamin D signaling in Triple Negative Breast Cancer [Abstract No. 16]

JoEllen Welsh (Rensselaer, USA) 


5.55 – 6.10 pm
Vitamin D Inhibits the Proliferation of Ovarian Cancer Cell Lines and Suppresses the Expression of Cyclooxygenase-2 [Abstract No. 17]

Marc Thill (Frankfurt, D)

6.10 – 6.40 pm
Vitamin D deficiency impairs Rituximab-mediated cellular cytotoxicity [Abstract No. 18]

Jörg Thomas Bittenbring (Homburg/Saar, D)

6.40 – 6.55 pm
Vitamin D and risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma including cutaneous T-cell lymphoma [Abstract No. 19]

Chalid Assaf (Krefeld, D)


Friday, May 02, 2014 at 7.30 pm at
Krefelder Rennbahn
An der Rennbahn 4 | 47800 Krefeld, Germany 

Featured lectures

Saturday, May 3, 2014

VII Vitamin D Compounds in Skin Cancer

Chair: J.Wesley Pike (Madison, USA) Thomas Vogt (Homburg/Saar, D)

8.00 – 8.30 am
Role of vitamin D in human skin cancers [Abstract No. 20]

Jörg Reichrath (Homburg/Saar, D)

8.30 – 9.00 am
Vitamin D and melanoma [Abstract No. 21]

Julia A. Newton-Bishop (Leeds, UK)

9.00 – 9.30 am
Vitamin D and cancer prevention: animal models and observational data in renal transplant patients [Abstract No. 22]

Frank R. De Gruijl (Leiden, NL)

9.30 – 10.00 am
Calcitriol – a potent Hedgehog signaling inhibitor [Abstract No. 23]

Anja Uhmann (Göttingen, D)

10.00 – 10.30 am
Coffee break, technical exhibition and poster viewing

VIII Vitamin D Compounds: Implications for Cancer

Chair: Glenville Jones (Kingston, CAN) Winfried März (Graz, A)

10.30 – 10.45 am
Calcitriol negatively regulates Smoothend activity by binding its CRD [Abstract No. 24]

Benedikt Albert (Göttingen, D)

10.45 – 11.00 am
Antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects of vitamin D analogues in keratinocytes indicate a novel therapeutical strategy against non-melanoma skin cancer [Abstract No. 25]

Christoph C. Geilen (Hamburg, D) 

11.00 – 11.30 am
Preclinical and Epidemiologic Observations – Cancer and Vitamin D: Are There Clinical Applications? [Abstract No. 26]

Donald L. Trump (Buffalo, USA)

11.30 – 0.00 pm
Latitude as a Confounder for Prostate Cancer U-Shaped Risk Curves in Relation to Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D: a Meta- Analysis of Case-Control and Cohort Studies [Abstract No. 27]

Reinhold Vieth (Toronto, CAN)

0.00 – 0.30 pm
A Perspective on the Raging D-Bate about the Health Benefits of Vitamin D [Abstract No. 28]

Michael F. Holick (Boston, USA)

0.30 – 1.00 pm
Round Table Discussion
Vitamin D and analogs: a new era in cancer prevention and treatment?

Chair: Donald L. Trump (Buffalo, USA)

1.00 – 1.10 pm Concluding remarks

Jörg Reichrath (Homburg/Saar, D) Michael Friedrich (Krefeld, D)

1.10 - 2.30 pm
Lunch break, technical exhibition and poster viewing

Posters and technical exhibition will be displayed throughout the meeting 

Saturday, May 3, 2014 Satellite symposium

Chair: Michael Friedrich (Krefeld, D) Jörg Reichrath (Homburg/Saar, D)

2.30 - 3.00 pm
Die erweiterte Bedeutung des Sonnenhormons Vitamin D für unsere Gesundheit – kaum entdeckt und schon verloren! [Abstract No. 29]

Jörg Spitz (Schlangenbad, D)

3.00 - 3.30 pm
Vitamin D und Osteoporose:
was ist für den klinischen Alltag wichtig? [Abstract No. 42]

Clayton Kraft (Krefeld, D)

3.30 - 4.00 pm
Vitamin D in der onkologischen Intervention: wichtige Aspekte für die Praxis. [Abstract No. 30]

Uwe Gröber (Essen, D)

4.00 - 4.30 pm
UV, Vitamin D und Hautkrebs:
wie viel Sonne braucht der Mensch? [Abstract No. 31]

Jörg Reichrath (Homburg/Saar, D)

„Auf Wiedersehen and Good Bye“ 

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+49 (0) 211 - 770589 - 29, or scan and e-mail your response to info@medical-communications.de or

register online at www.medical-communications.de

For organizational reasons we kindly ask for registration in advance. However, on-site registration is possible.

I will join the 5th International Symposium
“Vitamin D and Analogs in Cancer Prevention and Therapy”
May 02 - 03, 2014 in Krefeld, Germany 


Benedikt Albert, Göttingen, Germany
PD Dr. med. Chalid Assaf, Krefeld, Germany
Dr. med. Jörg Thomas Bittenbring, Homburg/Saar, Germany
Prof. Carsten Carlberg, PhD, Kuopio, Finland
Prof. Tai C. Chen, PhD, Boston/MA, USA
Prof. Frank R. de Gruijl, MSc, PhD, Leiden, The Netherlands
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Friedrich, Krefeld, Germany
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dr. med. habil. Christoph Geilen, Hamburg, Germany
William B. Grant, PhD, San Francisco/CA, USA
Uwe Gröber, Essen, Germany
Prof. Michael F. Holick, PhD, MD, Boston/MA, USA
Prof. Glenville Jones, BSc, PhD, Kingston/ON, Canada
Prof. Asta Juzeniene, PhD, Oslo, Norway
Dr. Lars Kattner, Saarbrücken, Germany
Prof. Dr. med. Clayton Kraft, Krefeld, Germany
Dr. med. Rolfdieter Krause, Berlin, Germany
Prof. Dr. med. Winfried März, Mannheim, Germany
Prof. Johan Emilian Moan, Oslo, Norway
Prof. Julia A. Newton-Bishop, PhD, Leeds, United Kingdom
José Manuel Ordóñez-Mena, MSc, Heidelberg, Germany
Prof. J. Wesley Pike, BS, MS, PhD, Madison/WI, USA
Prof. Dr. med. Jörg Reichrath, Homburg/Saar, Germany
Dr. Natacha Rochel, Illkirch, France
apl.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Römer, Homburg/Saar, Germany
Dr. Katarzyna Sokolowska, Warsaw, Poland
Prof. Dr. med. Jörg Spitz, Schlangenbad, Germany
PD Dr. med. Marc Thill, Frankfurt, Germany
Dr. Donald L. Trump, MD, FACP, Buffalo/NY, USA
Dr. rer. nat. Anja Uhmann, Göttingen, Germany
Prof. Reinhold Vieth, PhD, Toronto/ON, Canada
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Vogt, Homburg/Saar, Germany
Prof. JoEllen Welsh, PhD, Rensselaer/NY, USA
Prof. Dr. med. Armin Zittermann, Bad Oeynhausen, Germany 

Poster authors

Prof. Dr. med. Michael Friedrich, Krefeld, Germany 
M. Koreng, Homburg/Saar, Germany
Kiano Manavi, Raleigh/NC, USA
Dr. Lysann Michaela Mehling, Dresden, Germany 
Viktoria Luise Planz, Homburg/Saar, Germany
PD Dr. med. Darius Salehin, Krefeld, Germany 
Roman Saternus, Homburg/Saar, Germany PD 
Dr. med. Marc Thill, Frankfurt, Germany 
Annett Weinhold, Homburg/Saar, Germany 


PO No 1, Abstract No 32

Evaluation of 25OHD3 in serum of patients with vulvar cancer and benign vulvar lesions

D. Salehin, B. Hemmerlein (Krefeld, D); M. Thill (Frankfurt, D); C. H. Wirsing von König, M. Friedrich (Krefeld, D)

PO No 2, Abstract No 33

Prospective investigation of 25(OH)D3 serum concentration following UVB narrow band phototherapy in patients with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis

A. Weinhold, R. Obeid, Th. Vogt, J. Reichrath (Homburg/Saar, D)

PO No 3, Abstract No 34

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes involved in the vitamin D endocrine system are associated with risk for cutaneous basal cell carcinomas (BCCs) and squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs)

M. Koreng, S. Reichrath, A. Weinhold, S. Gräber, Th. Vogt, J. Reichrath (Homburg/Saar, D)

PO No 4, Abstract No 35

Imatinib exerts inhibitory effects on vitamin D3 metabolism

L. M. Mehlig, C. Garve, J. T. Tauer, M. Suttorp, A. Bauer (Dresden, D)

PO No 5, Abstract No 36

Genetic variants (SNPs) of genes involved in skin pigmentation are associated with 25(OH)D serum concentration

R. Saternus, S. Gräber (Homburg/Saar, D); S. Pilz (Graz, A); M. Kleber (Freiburg, D); W. März (Mannheim, D);
Th. Vogt, J. Reichrath (Homburg/Saar, D) 


PO No 6, Abstract No 37

Combination of Vitamin D and COX-2 Inhibitors in Breast Cancer Cell Lines

M. Thill (Frankfurt, D); K. Reichert, A. Woeste (Lübeck, D); M. Friedrich (Krefeld, D); D. Fischer, F. Köster (Lübeck, D)

PO No 7, Abstract No 38

Effect of Cotinine Blood Serum Level on Vitamin-D Blood Serum Level Among Women Smokers in the United States

R Manavi Kiano, B. P. Alston-Mills (Raleigh, NC, USA)

PO No 8, Abstract No 39

Expression of Vitamin D receptor in squamous epithelial vulvar cancer and vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia

M. Friedrich (Krefeld, D); M. Thill (Frankfurt, D); B. Hemmerlein, D. Salehin (Krefeld, D)

PO No 9, Abstract No 40

Evaluation of 25OHD3 in serum of patients with vulvar cancer and benign vulvar lesions

D. Salehin, B. Hemmerlein (Krefeld, D); M. Thill (Frankfurt, D), C. H. Wirsing von König, M. Friedrich (Krefeld, D)

PO No 10, Abstract No 41

Differential expression of nuclear vitamin D receptor (VDR) cofactors contributes to the resistance of melanoma cell lines against the antiproliferative effects of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3)

V. Planz, Th. Vogt, J. Reichrath (Homburg/Saar, D) 

Organizer / Information

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D-40591 Düsseldorf, Germany Phone: +49(0)211-770589-0 |
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