The elderly, the sun and the corona virus: the paradoxical point cloud of risks

Presentation: Dr. med. Raimund von Helden, VitaminDelta Consumer Advice Service, 57368 Lennestadt quotes from "James D Level of Mild and Severe Elderly Cases of COVID-19: A Preliminary Report" by El James Glicio, MD "El James" is a retired general practitioner in New Delhi


1) Fragestellung

  • Welchen Einfluss hat das Alter eines Menschen auf den Verlauf der Infektion mit dem Coronavirus?
  • Bedeutet hohes Alter = hohes Sterberisiko bei COVID-19?
  • Welchen Einfluss hat der Vitamin-D-Spiegel auf den Verlauf?
  • Bei welchem Alter und welchem Vitamin-D-Spiegel gibt es einen günstigen Verlauf?

zur deutschen Fassung wechseln:

2) Methode

  • Observational study
  • Epidemiology, no intervention
  • Graphic No. 10 shows people over the age of 60 and in relation to vitamin D levels and course

3) Ergebnisse

In this presentation, graphic 10 is extracted and adapted from the overall view.
It is about COVID-19 patients who have had either a mild or serious course of the disease.

  • The red window shows vitamin D levels below 20 ng / ml: there are only serious courses,
  • The yellow window shows vitamin D levels of 20 - 30 ng / ml: both mild and serious courses,
  • The dark green window shows vitamin D levels above 30 ng / ml: predominantly mild courses,
  • The light green window shows vitamin D levels below 30 ng / ml linked with an age above (!) 70. There are no serious courses.

4) Folgerungen

The author El James Glicio from New Delhi, India concludes:

  • "Clinical studies could provide more accurate results on vitamin D levels as the cause of COVID-19 severity."
  • "Vitamin D supplementation at the local level could raise awareness of the benefits of fighting vitamin D infections."
  • "This knowledge about how to fight infections like COVID-19 should be spread especially to vulnerable older people."
  • Quote end

The preparation of Figure 10 also shows:

  • With rising vitamin D levels, more mild courses are observed
  • A vitamin D level below 20 ng / ml is associated with high risk
  • A vitamin D level above 30 ng / ml and an age above 70 are associated with the best results.
  • These results could be random.

However, a similar study comes to comparable results. (2)

  • The apparently protective character for the age over 70 remains speculative:
  • Has the elderly over 70 years been excluded from ventilation and so been of use to them?
  • Is there less "cytokine storm" in people over 70?
  • So far, this phenomenon has not been observed or sought.



(2) Reference trial:

case report: "Alter und Vitamin-D-Spiegel"

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