Dr. med. Raimund von Helden, Verbraucherberatung Privat-Institut VitaminDelta, 57368 Lennestadt, Original-Studie.


1) Fragestellung

  • What is the definition of NANA10?.

2) Methode

  • Content-Page

3) Ergebnisse

Each of the 10 components is added to the mixture in equal weight.

The discussion of the 10 components concerning their potential for microbiome function or lowerung of zonulin.

  • https://www.vitamindservice.de/nana10/zeitung/1-von-10-glycin-gegen-zonulin
  • In summary, glycine appears to be advantageous in supporting intestinal barrier function by regulating the expression and localization of tight junction proteins. This may potentially counteract the effects of zonulin on increasing intestinal permeability. This suggests that glycine supplementation could be a useful strategy in conditions characterized by elevated zonulin levels and impaired gut integrity, such as celiac disease.
  • https://www.vitamindservice.de/nana10/zeitung/2-von-10-glutamin-gegen-zo...
  • In summary, glutamine appears to be beneficial in reducing zonulin levels and improving gut barrier function. It has shown protective effects against acetaldehyde-induced disruptions of tight junctions, reduced organ damage and systemic inflammation in animal models, and decreased intestinal permeability in critically ill patients. These results suggest that glutamine supplementation could be a useful strategy for maintaining gut integrity, potentially mitigating conditions associated with increased intestinal permeability.
  • https://www.vitamindservice.de/nana10/zeitung/3-von-10-vitamin-c-und-zon...
  • In summary, available research suggests that higher intake of vitamins, including Vitamin C, may be associated with lower levels of zonulin, which in turn could contribute to improving gut barrier function. The composition of the gut microbiota also appears to be linked to zonulin levels, and zonulin itself is involved in various conditions associated with increased permeability of epithelial and endothelial barriers. These studies suggest that Vitamin C, along with other dietary components such as n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and fiber, could be beneficial in reducing zonulin levels associated with various health issues such as gut permeability and acute lung injury.
  • https://www.vitamindservice.de/nana10/zeitung/4-von-10-magnesium-und-lea...
  • In summary, magnesium appears to be a valuable nutrient for gut health, with evidence supporting its role in improving gut motility, modulating gut microbiota, and potentially alleviating inflammatory gastrointestinal conditions. Its effects on the gut-brain axis and maintaining gut barrier function further underscore its potential usefulness in the treatment of leaky gut and related disorders.
  • https://www.vitamindservice.de/nana10/zeitung/5-von-10-msm-und-darmkrank...
  • There are indications of beneficial effects on the microbiome, and its safety has been demonstrated. Therefore, it is suitable for the treatment of impaired gut function.
  • https://www.vitamindservice.de/nana10/zeitung/6-von-10-kurkuma-und-darmk...
  • The accumulated research suggests that curcumin has a positive effect on gut health by improving barrier function, modulating gut microbiota, and reducing inflammation. These effects contribute to its therapeutic potential in treating conditions associated with leaky gut, such as metabolic disorders, obesity, colitis, and possibly even neurodegenerative diseases. Although individual responses to curcumin supplementation may vary, its overall impact on gastrointestinal health appears to be a crucial factor in its health-promoting effects.
  • https://www.vitamindservice.de/nana10/zeitung/7-von-10-inulin-und-darmge...
  • Research shows that inulin has a positive impact on gut health by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria, improving gut barrier function, and reducing inflammation. These effects contribute to improved metabolic health and may offer therapeutic benefits for individuals with leaky gut syndrome. The modulation of gut microbiota by inulin appears to be a key mechanism behind these health benefits.
  • https://www.vitamindservice.de/nana10/zeitung/8-von-10-taurin-gegen-leak...
  • Studies suggest that taurine supplementation can improve gut health by stabilizing gut microbiota, enhancing barrier function, reducing inflammation and diarrhea, and potentially treating or preventing conditions such as leaky gut and inflammatory bowel diseases. Research indicates that taurine plays a multifaceted role in maintaining and restoring gut health. It appears to exert protective effects against various forms of gut damage and inflammation, improve intestinal barrier integrity, and positively influence gut microbiota and immune response. These properties make taurine a promising candidate for the treatment and prevention of leaky gut and related gastrointestinal disorders.
  • https://www.vitamindservice.de/nana10/zeitung/9-von-10-zimt-gegen-leaky-gut
  • Cinnamon and its extracts appear to play a multifaceted role in the treatment of leaky gut, primarily through improving intestinal barrier function, anti-inflammatory effects, and positively influencing gut microbiota. These findings suggest that cinnamon could be a valuable natural therapeutic agent for enhancing gut health and treating conditions with increased intestinal permeability and inflammation. These studies suggest that cinnamon has several therapeutic effects that can improve gut health by enhancing intestinal barrier function, altering gut microbiota, reducing inflammation, and improving symptoms associated with digestive disorders such as diarrhea and inflammatory bowel diseases.
  • https://www.vitamindservice.de/nana10/zeitung/10-von-10-kieselerde-gegen...
  • Discussed are beneficial effects such as protection against toxins. Furthermore, protection against larger organisms such as mites could be advantageous. Overall, diatomaceous earth is a promising substance for health and nutrition, with no downsides.

4) Folgerungen

  • All the 10 components have shown a benefit for the microbiome, some of them are lowering zonulin.
  • All are approved as dietary supplements by EU authorities.
  • No further approvemnt ist necessary for administration.
  • A mixture of all 10 components could be helpful for microbiome function.


(see above)
Each component has a separate table of literature.

NaNa10 ® is an open source registered trademark for free use in terms of GPL:


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» Zum nächsten Beitrag blättern "Im Follow-up von NaNa10 zeigte sich eine weitere Senkung des Zonulin"